qualify for business credit. When you break it down those are the two basic requiremnts to obtaining $10,000's in credit from businesses. You will have to file an LLC or corporation and build the foundation for a business structure but after that you can use your house, apartment, trailer, etc. to operate your business address. It is called a home business. You cannot use post office boxes or anything similar to that to start your corporation for credit purposes.
After you have done the basics there are many large businesses including gas companies and large chain stores, and department stores that will give you large amounts of credit with a signature and no credit checks. Some will want you to have an account with other companies first. Others will only require that you are in business. That is where I come in to help you put the pieces of the puzzle in place.
My e-book gives you all the information you need to get started and to get credit. You get access to massive amounts of credit for just a $49.95 investment in yourself.
Contact me @: kevinhemmons@yahoo.com
Friday, September 5, 2008
When applying for EIN/Tax ID # from the IRS
and you have chosen a Limited Liability Company (LLC) always choose a corporate EIN (Employer Identification Number) or Tax ID Number (TIN). Tax ID Numbers and EIN's are the same thing.
An LLC is a type of corporate structure. This is straight from my business attorney. When you are applying for your EIN you have the choice of: sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation. LLC is not listed on the application. I am giving you this heads up to eliminate one of the invisible walls you run into in business ventures. I call unknown unknowns invisible walls. That is where you do not know what you do not know until you run into it.
A person or a corporation gets one EIN in life. If you have applied for one as a person doing business that is the one that is attached to you for life. Whenever you open up a new business you use that EIN unless you are starting a new corporation or LLC because they are their own legal entities they need a new EIN.
Here is the IRS link to apply for an EIN/TID
The page almost always says, "Our online assistant is unavailable."
Simply goto the top right corner of the page and click "Apply for new EIN"
An LLC is a type of corporate structure. This is straight from my business attorney. When you are applying for your EIN you have the choice of: sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation. LLC is not listed on the application. I am giving you this heads up to eliminate one of the invisible walls you run into in business ventures. I call unknown unknowns invisible walls. That is where you do not know what you do not know until you run into it.
A person or a corporation gets one EIN in life. If you have applied for one as a person doing business that is the one that is attached to you for life. Whenever you open up a new business you use that EIN unless you are starting a new corporation or LLC because they are their own legal entities they need a new EIN.
Here is the IRS link to apply for an EIN/TID
The page almost always says, "Our online assistant is unavailable."
Simply goto the top right corner of the page and click "Apply for new EIN"
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Nothing breeds success like failure.
There are no over night successes.
"I just called this phone number and I got a million dollars," does not happen.
Colonel Sanders did not just find 14 herbs and spices in his kitchen, throw them on some chicken, and become a world famous millionaire.
The Wright brothers did not just come up with the idea for a plane and take off into the sky. They jumped off a lot of cliffs and crashed often. How crazy did they have to be do that? How much faith did they have to have in their idea to risk death so often?
You are going to have to take a beating to be successful. You are going to have to take a lot of beatings to be great. You will have to be ridiculed to be the best. To be the best you have to think of things no one has ever thought of and then continually refine them while all the experts and naysayers are pointing and laughing at you.
I am not saying this to discourage you. I am saying it to encourage you! Imagine this scene. You are in a river and you are swimming upstream. You are struggling with all your might and you are tired but you know you have to get upstream to something great. You've been told that paradise is up there. You know of a person who knows a person who knows a person who lives upstream and you want that life.
As you are swimming you come across bends in the river and strong currents that make you lose ground but you do not give up. Occasionally you wonder if it is really worth it. While you are thinking that thought a group of people come around a bend on rafts and they are laughing, drinking beers, and listening to music while partying. You know a lot of them. They are friends, family, and colleagues.
They see you struggling and someone kindly tells you to come join them on the raft. There is plenty of room and a couple of cold Heinekens are waiting for you. You tell them no thanks you are heading upstream. Some of your friends and family tell you that you are being too tough on yourself and to relax and join them. You decline. This makes a few people angry.
Some of them start throwing bottles at you and cursing you. They ask you do you think you are better than they are? The truth is you wish they would get off of their rafts and join you. You tell them about paradise up the river and that they can come with you. They tell you that they have never seen this place. Some say it does not exist or that they will not let people like you or them into some fancy place. Get on the raft and relax. Enjoy the ride.
You keep going forward and they float pass you. Some wish you luck, others think you are crazy, and a few just plain hate you. This happens over and over again as you swim upstream getting more and more tired. Some of the people you love tell you to stop chasing a dream and to relax and go with the flow. You come within a heart beat of saying yes but a small small voice inside you tells you not to give up yet. "It's just a little bit farther."
You almost cry from the pain and the sorrow but you keep going. Eventually the rough water evens out and the current is no longer fighting you. You wade onto the beach and you see one glorious mansion after another in the secluded area. There are boats tied to docks at every home. The yards are well manicured. You turn your head and you see a glass garage with your dream car in it and you smile. You look up a little further and you see your dream life taking place inside your dream home. You walk into the yard and up into your new world.
Meanwhile the people who were partying going down the stream wonder whatever happened to you. They turn a bend and suddenly scream in terror. Before them is a waterfall that puts Niagara Falls to shame. There is a sign that says, "Welcome to the folly of man."
They look back upstream one last time with a thousand regrets that they took the easy way. 10,000 "I should have..." come down like rain.
Here are a few statistics.
100% of people end up dead.
95% of people die dead broke.
5% of people control the wealth of the other 95%
Do what everyone else does and you will get what everyone else gets. If everyone around you is agreeing with what you are doing you are losing ground fast. One day you will turn the bend and see the waterfall. The one question that annoys me most in life is, "If it is so good why isn't everyone doing it?"
Look around you at everyone and listen to their stories. Most of them do not have what they want so do not do what everyone else is doing. Find the few who are struggling to do something great and struggle with them. I invite you to join me in the struggle for greatness. Dare something worthy! Email me with your hopes and let me know of your successes.
I do not want to change the world. I want to change my world. I want to help you change your world and in turn you pay it forward by helping change someone else's world.
To be successful you need to have a plan. Don't worry your plan will not work like you think it will. It will fall apart on you over and over again but that is how it is supposed to work. I did not make the rules. I simply follow them. Your plan is not valued for its success but for the process which makes you grow.
Imagine that your over all strategy is a 5 star general of your forces. It makes all the plans to get you through the obstacles of life to get where you want to go. Your tactics are your soldiers. They are the "how's" the general dispatches to overcome challenges. Sometimes the tactics succeed and the strategy goes on as planned. Often the tactic gets ambushed by an unknown assailant in the dark. This is called an unknown unknown. You do not know what you do not know.
If the tactive is rigid and one dimensional it will die. If the tactic is adaptive it will overcome the challenge, grow stronger, and then report back to the strategy. The strategy will use the intelligence to make better decisions and deploy its resources more carefully.
You want to get from Los Angeles to Tennesse. The general has never been there or seen it but you need to get there. The general checks the war chest and there is $700 in it. He has options. Plane. Bus. Car. The general decides that a car would be the best option. The general being a good planner has you buy a road Atlas.
You jump into your gassed up 1987 Subaru Station wagon which gets 25 mpg and drive. Along the way you get to New Mexico on the I-40. It is a hot day and your radiator overheats. The general smiles. This is a problem he has dealt with before so he has you pull over on the side of the road and turn the engine off. Fifteen minutes later you go to your trunk and get a bottle of water. You pour it and are good to go. Tactic successful or so you thought.
You turn the key and nothing happens. You are perplexed. The general has you get out and survey the situation. You left the headlights on while waiting for the car to cool down! The general has you go back in the trunk and get out jumper cables. It is 100 degrees out and you have no one to jump your car.
Fear not the general has a tactic for you. You stand outside your car and hold the jumper cables in the air. 15 minutes later a very nice couple stops on the shoulder ahead of you, turns around comes back and gives your battery a jump. That tactic worked beautifully. You are then on the road. A day later you make it to your destination. Mission successful.
That was a true story of the author. My name has been left out to protect the guilty. The point is that plans will not go as you plan them but you can still make it to your destination. Buy the e-book for $49.95 and adapt your strategy.
You can now purchase the e-book at:
We have a 90 day money back guarantee because we know you can succeed!
"I just called this phone number and I got a million dollars," does not happen.
Colonel Sanders did not just find 14 herbs and spices in his kitchen, throw them on some chicken, and become a world famous millionaire.
The Wright brothers did not just come up with the idea for a plane and take off into the sky. They jumped off a lot of cliffs and crashed often. How crazy did they have to be do that? How much faith did they have to have in their idea to risk death so often?
You are going to have to take a beating to be successful. You are going to have to take a lot of beatings to be great. You will have to be ridiculed to be the best. To be the best you have to think of things no one has ever thought of and then continually refine them while all the experts and naysayers are pointing and laughing at you.
I am not saying this to discourage you. I am saying it to encourage you! Imagine this scene. You are in a river and you are swimming upstream. You are struggling with all your might and you are tired but you know you have to get upstream to something great. You've been told that paradise is up there. You know of a person who knows a person who knows a person who lives upstream and you want that life.
As you are swimming you come across bends in the river and strong currents that make you lose ground but you do not give up. Occasionally you wonder if it is really worth it. While you are thinking that thought a group of people come around a bend on rafts and they are laughing, drinking beers, and listening to music while partying. You know a lot of them. They are friends, family, and colleagues.
They see you struggling and someone kindly tells you to come join them on the raft. There is plenty of room and a couple of cold Heinekens are waiting for you. You tell them no thanks you are heading upstream. Some of your friends and family tell you that you are being too tough on yourself and to relax and join them. You decline. This makes a few people angry.
Some of them start throwing bottles at you and cursing you. They ask you do you think you are better than they are? The truth is you wish they would get off of their rafts and join you. You tell them about paradise up the river and that they can come with you. They tell you that they have never seen this place. Some say it does not exist or that they will not let people like you or them into some fancy place. Get on the raft and relax. Enjoy the ride.
You keep going forward and they float pass you. Some wish you luck, others think you are crazy, and a few just plain hate you. This happens over and over again as you swim upstream getting more and more tired. Some of the people you love tell you to stop chasing a dream and to relax and go with the flow. You come within a heart beat of saying yes but a small small voice inside you tells you not to give up yet. "It's just a little bit farther."
You almost cry from the pain and the sorrow but you keep going. Eventually the rough water evens out and the current is no longer fighting you. You wade onto the beach and you see one glorious mansion after another in the secluded area. There are boats tied to docks at every home. The yards are well manicured. You turn your head and you see a glass garage with your dream car in it and you smile. You look up a little further and you see your dream life taking place inside your dream home. You walk into the yard and up into your new world.
Meanwhile the people who were partying going down the stream wonder whatever happened to you. They turn a bend and suddenly scream in terror. Before them is a waterfall that puts Niagara Falls to shame. There is a sign that says, "Welcome to the folly of man."
They look back upstream one last time with a thousand regrets that they took the easy way. 10,000 "I should have..." come down like rain.
Here are a few statistics.
100% of people end up dead.
95% of people die dead broke.
5% of people control the wealth of the other 95%
Do what everyone else does and you will get what everyone else gets. If everyone around you is agreeing with what you are doing you are losing ground fast. One day you will turn the bend and see the waterfall. The one question that annoys me most in life is, "If it is so good why isn't everyone doing it?"
Look around you at everyone and listen to their stories. Most of them do not have what they want so do not do what everyone else is doing. Find the few who are struggling to do something great and struggle with them. I invite you to join me in the struggle for greatness. Dare something worthy! Email me with your hopes and let me know of your successes.
I do not want to change the world. I want to change my world. I want to help you change your world and in turn you pay it forward by helping change someone else's world.
To be successful you need to have a plan. Don't worry your plan will not work like you think it will. It will fall apart on you over and over again but that is how it is supposed to work. I did not make the rules. I simply follow them. Your plan is not valued for its success but for the process which makes you grow.
Imagine that your over all strategy is a 5 star general of your forces. It makes all the plans to get you through the obstacles of life to get where you want to go. Your tactics are your soldiers. They are the "how's" the general dispatches to overcome challenges. Sometimes the tactics succeed and the strategy goes on as planned. Often the tactic gets ambushed by an unknown assailant in the dark. This is called an unknown unknown. You do not know what you do not know.
If the tactive is rigid and one dimensional it will die. If the tactic is adaptive it will overcome the challenge, grow stronger, and then report back to the strategy. The strategy will use the intelligence to make better decisions and deploy its resources more carefully.
You want to get from Los Angeles to Tennesse. The general has never been there or seen it but you need to get there. The general checks the war chest and there is $700 in it. He has options. Plane. Bus. Car. The general decides that a car would be the best option. The general being a good planner has you buy a road Atlas.
You jump into your gassed up 1987 Subaru Station wagon which gets 25 mpg and drive. Along the way you get to New Mexico on the I-40. It is a hot day and your radiator overheats. The general smiles. This is a problem he has dealt with before so he has you pull over on the side of the road and turn the engine off. Fifteen minutes later you go to your trunk and get a bottle of water. You pour it and are good to go. Tactic successful or so you thought.
You turn the key and nothing happens. You are perplexed. The general has you get out and survey the situation. You left the headlights on while waiting for the car to cool down! The general has you go back in the trunk and get out jumper cables. It is 100 degrees out and you have no one to jump your car.
Fear not the general has a tactic for you. You stand outside your car and hold the jumper cables in the air. 15 minutes later a very nice couple stops on the shoulder ahead of you, turns around comes back and gives your battery a jump. That tactic worked beautifully. You are then on the road. A day later you make it to your destination. Mission successful.
That was a true story of the author. My name has been left out to protect the guilty. The point is that plans will not go as you plan them but you can still make it to your destination. Buy the e-book for $49.95 and adapt your strategy.
You can now purchase the e-book at:
We have a 90 day money back guarantee because we know you can succeed!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Can it really work for me? How do I do it?
Is this the right time?
What if I mess up?
What if I'm not smart enough to do it?
Do I have enough money?
What if it is a scam?
Is my credit so bad I can't do it?
What if I mess up my current credit?
Some if not all of these questions have ran through your head with combat boots and flaming torches like villagers seeking to kill Frankenstein's monster. How do I know what you are thinking? I know because all those fears ran through my head also. There was one more villager running with the crowd also and he was truely scary. He was the price tag for the chance to learn this knowledge and he wore a white shirt with the number $3400 on it.
That is what I paid to learn the knowledge I am speaking to you about. If I had to do it all over again I would do it with a smile. It was worth every single penny. We all have a fear of failure. My suggestion to you is to get very intimate with failure. Walk up to it and give it a hug. You cannot be successful without failure. It is your greatest teacher.
A very smart man once said, "If you are doing anything worthwhile at all you will suffer a dozen failures. Start failing so you can succeed."
One of my favorite people and one of the greatest revolutionaries in the world was the biggest failure I ever heard of in my life. You know his name. He was Thomas Edison and he changed the world. He failed 9,999 times before inventing the light bulb and you can't imagine a world without his genius! It took him 9,999 failures and one success to invent the light bulb! How much faith and belief in himself did Thomas Edison have to have to fail that many times? At what number would you have quit and said it was impossible? 4. 10. 14. 47. 199. 9,999.
To be a success you have to be a failure but above all you have to believe in you! Benjamin Franklin said that if he had four hours to cut down a tree he would spend three hours sharpening his axe and one hour chopping down the tree. That is how you have to be about your life. Spend more time working on your thought than you do working to be successful and you will have everything you want.
Your biggest problem, everyone's biggest problem is the negative thoughts they allow to control their lives. Stop trying to cut down the tree with a dull axe!
I gambled $3,400 on me to change my life and I won. I'm going to make it a whole lot easier on you. I am going to let you bet on you for $49.95.
I will give you every step I took and every company (with their phone number) I know to get the credit you want.
I will tell you what order to do it.
I will tell you the how and the why.
I will tell you the pitfalls so you do not have to make the mistakes I made.
You will be able to succeed that much faster. Instead of learning from your mistakes learn from my mistakes. I will be your trail blazer. You simply have to follow the path I already made.
In the 1960's Rob Townsend was the president of Avis Rent a Car. It was falling behind Hertz continually. Hertz was eating Avis's lunch. Rob Townsend turned it around. He spear headed the campaign. "We work harder". He propelled Avis forward. Later he said that 2 out of every 3 decisions he made was wrong but he failed his way to the top.
You can keep doing what you are doing and keep getting what you are getting or you can do something to change your life and the lives of your next generation and the one after it. This knowledge is pure unadulturated power! Now is your chance and your time to make the right decision. Buy the e-book and be on fire to be successful!
You can now purchase the e-book for $49.95 at:
We have a 90 day money back guarantee because we know you can be successful!
What if I mess up?
What if I'm not smart enough to do it?
Do I have enough money?
What if it is a scam?
Is my credit so bad I can't do it?
What if I mess up my current credit?
Some if not all of these questions have ran through your head with combat boots and flaming torches like villagers seeking to kill Frankenstein's monster. How do I know what you are thinking? I know because all those fears ran through my head also. There was one more villager running with the crowd also and he was truely scary. He was the price tag for the chance to learn this knowledge and he wore a white shirt with the number $3400 on it.
That is what I paid to learn the knowledge I am speaking to you about. If I had to do it all over again I would do it with a smile. It was worth every single penny. We all have a fear of failure. My suggestion to you is to get very intimate with failure. Walk up to it and give it a hug. You cannot be successful without failure. It is your greatest teacher.
A very smart man once said, "If you are doing anything worthwhile at all you will suffer a dozen failures. Start failing so you can succeed."
One of my favorite people and one of the greatest revolutionaries in the world was the biggest failure I ever heard of in my life. You know his name. He was Thomas Edison and he changed the world. He failed 9,999 times before inventing the light bulb and you can't imagine a world without his genius! It took him 9,999 failures and one success to invent the light bulb! How much faith and belief in himself did Thomas Edison have to have to fail that many times? At what number would you have quit and said it was impossible? 4. 10. 14. 47. 199. 9,999.
To be a success you have to be a failure but above all you have to believe in you! Benjamin Franklin said that if he had four hours to cut down a tree he would spend three hours sharpening his axe and one hour chopping down the tree. That is how you have to be about your life. Spend more time working on your thought than you do working to be successful and you will have everything you want.
Your biggest problem, everyone's biggest problem is the negative thoughts they allow to control their lives. Stop trying to cut down the tree with a dull axe!
I gambled $3,400 on me to change my life and I won. I'm going to make it a whole lot easier on you. I am going to let you bet on you for $49.95.
I will give you every step I took and every company (with their phone number) I know to get the credit you want.
I will tell you what order to do it.
I will tell you the how and the why.
I will tell you the pitfalls so you do not have to make the mistakes I made.
You will be able to succeed that much faster. Instead of learning from your mistakes learn from my mistakes. I will be your trail blazer. You simply have to follow the path I already made.
In the 1960's Rob Townsend was the president of Avis Rent a Car. It was falling behind Hertz continually. Hertz was eating Avis's lunch. Rob Townsend turned it around. He spear headed the campaign. "We work harder". He propelled Avis forward. Later he said that 2 out of every 3 decisions he made was wrong but he failed his way to the top.
You can keep doing what you are doing and keep getting what you are getting or you can do something to change your life and the lives of your next generation and the one after it. This knowledge is pure unadulturated power! Now is your chance and your time to make the right decision. Buy the e-book and be on fire to be successful!
You can now purchase the e-book for $49.95 at:
We have a 90 day money back guarantee because we know you can be successful!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Why should I get corporate credit?
You should get corporate credit because it will give you what you want. How does he know what I want you ask. It is simple. I know what you want because it is what I want and what everyone else wants. You might call it different thing and you might think it is money, wealth, power, fun, or a dozen other names but the truth is that you yearn for one very simple thing.
"What does every man want? He only senses what he wants. He wants to be free. From what? From his heartache and suffering, from his compulsive desires, from his fear of what other people can do to him, from secret shames and guilts carried over from folly. He wants self-liberty. But he doesn't know what it is, or where to find it. Still, he anxiously seeks, and almost always in the wrong places. In despair over finding the right needle in the haystack, he doesn't even see that he is searching in the wrong haystack. He hopefully comforts himself,'Well tomorrow will be different.' But it won't And he knows it. He knows he will look back and find himself in the same old despair The only change will be in a few exterior surroundings. But it's still the same old haunted house." Vernon Howard
How can corporate credit make you free? Imagine a life where all your dreams are possible. Imagine a life that every money challenge is met. There are no money problems. If you can write a check it is a challenge. If you have a life threatening isssue or debilitating disease that is a problem.
"Well doesn't the money have to be paid back?" Of course it does but what if I were to show you a way to use corporate credit that you could pay back the money interest free and that if you needed to you could take a month or four from paying from your pocket and still get the bills paid? Does that sound like freedom?
What if you did not have to go back to your job? Does that sound like freedom? If you wanted to buy a car and could do it without interest and paid the balance off on your terms and not the car finance company's terms? Does that sound like freedom?
Would you like to reduce most if not all of your debt to 0% interest? How fast could you pay it off then? What would you do if lack of money were no longer a problem? Where would you live? What would you do? Move there. Do that. Do you sense that your life could actually be yours to live the way you want to live it?
You can now purchase the e-bbok for $49.95 at: http://rkhorizonenterprises.com/
There is a 90 day money back guarantee because we know you can succeed!
"What does every man want? He only senses what he wants. He wants to be free. From what? From his heartache and suffering, from his compulsive desires, from his fear of what other people can do to him, from secret shames and guilts carried over from folly. He wants self-liberty. But he doesn't know what it is, or where to find it. Still, he anxiously seeks, and almost always in the wrong places. In despair over finding the right needle in the haystack, he doesn't even see that he is searching in the wrong haystack. He hopefully comforts himself,'Well tomorrow will be different.' But it won't And he knows it. He knows he will look back and find himself in the same old despair The only change will be in a few exterior surroundings. But it's still the same old haunted house." Vernon Howard
How can corporate credit make you free? Imagine a life where all your dreams are possible. Imagine a life that every money challenge is met. There are no money problems. If you can write a check it is a challenge. If you have a life threatening isssue or debilitating disease that is a problem.
"Well doesn't the money have to be paid back?" Of course it does but what if I were to show you a way to use corporate credit that you could pay back the money interest free and that if you needed to you could take a month or four from paying from your pocket and still get the bills paid? Does that sound like freedom?
What if you did not have to go back to your job? Does that sound like freedom? If you wanted to buy a car and could do it without interest and paid the balance off on your terms and not the car finance company's terms? Does that sound like freedom?
Would you like to reduce most if not all of your debt to 0% interest? How fast could you pay it off then? What would you do if lack of money were no longer a problem? Where would you live? What would you do? Move there. Do that. Do you sense that your life could actually be yours to live the way you want to live it?
You can now purchase the e-bbok for $49.95 at: http://rkhorizonenterprises.com/
There is a 90 day money back guarantee because we know you can succeed!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Is "Super Credit" really covert?
After reading my first article a long time friend responded with praise about the information presented in regards to business credit but he also commented that I make it seem covert. I pondered on that this morning and decided to write this article about the nature of business credit and if it is undercover.
By the way please feel free to leave a post or email me if you have questions or comments about any articles posted. I can be emailed at: kevinhemmons@yahoo.com
The nature of business credit is mysterious. Most people have no idea how to go about getting it. They don't even know who to ask about how to get it. If you talk to your local bank manager or accountant they will not know how to get it. They could tell you how to use your personal credit to get credit for your business but they are mostly ignorant about actual business credit. I even talked to a close personal friend who has been a corporate attorney for twenty years and she had no idea about corporate credit. She could form me a corporation in her sleep or she could sue and fight off lawsuits with ease but she knew nothing of corporate credit. I find that fascinating. The truth is that people just do not know about it the vast majority of the time.
I also run into business owners who have a limited liability company (llc) or a corporation but have no natural idea how to get business credit. This happens the majority of the time. They use their personal credit to maintain a business. When I broach the subject to them they are totally unaware of how to get business credit. Some may have heard about it but they do not know how to even start to get it.
The people I have just mentioned would surely be on the top of the list of people you would expect to know how to get business credit. I am speaking of: bankers, owners of corporations, owners of llc's, accountants, and tax attorneys.
If you pool all of those business people together with all of their collective business and finance knowledge you find that there is an enormous hole in their knowledge base. You must then assume that there is a reason for that ignorance. I call it a conspiracy of silence. Think about the fact that business credit is the largest amount of credit on the planet but yet it is the least known by your average person including business professionals.
I am not a conspiracy theorist. I have a few ideas but they are just ideas. The facts remain the same whatever your reasons. Business credit is too big to be known by so few. You are probably wondering what you need so that you can get business credit and start your own business with massive amounts of capital. Is that a question corporate America wants you to ask? If everyone asked that question where would the corporate world get its labor pool?
Now you are starting to think dangerously. Now you see why there might be a conspiracy of silence. The truth is that there will always be workers. Entrepreneurs are scarce. It takes a daredevil to be an entrepreneur. You constantly have to jump into the unknown with a plan that only partially works. When it starts to fall apart and it will you have to pick up the pieces of your plan, see what worked, and see what didn't. You have to be brutally honest with yourself so you can discard the useless parts, tape together the few things that did work, and keep moving forward. Repeat the process over and over and over again.
I love it but many people prefer the security of a paycheck. It seems so much safer and easier. That's okay I need people like that to work for me so I say more power to them. For the bold and the few who want to know how they can wing it and have the safety net of business credit underneath them, stay tuned for more information.
You can purchase the e-book for $49.95 at: http://rkhorizonenterprises.com/
By the way please feel free to leave a post or email me if you have questions or comments about any articles posted. I can be emailed at: kevinhemmons@yahoo.com
The nature of business credit is mysterious. Most people have no idea how to go about getting it. They don't even know who to ask about how to get it. If you talk to your local bank manager or accountant they will not know how to get it. They could tell you how to use your personal credit to get credit for your business but they are mostly ignorant about actual business credit. I even talked to a close personal friend who has been a corporate attorney for twenty years and she had no idea about corporate credit. She could form me a corporation in her sleep or she could sue and fight off lawsuits with ease but she knew nothing of corporate credit. I find that fascinating. The truth is that people just do not know about it the vast majority of the time.
I also run into business owners who have a limited liability company (llc) or a corporation but have no natural idea how to get business credit. This happens the majority of the time. They use their personal credit to maintain a business. When I broach the subject to them they are totally unaware of how to get business credit. Some may have heard about it but they do not know how to even start to get it.
The people I have just mentioned would surely be on the top of the list of people you would expect to know how to get business credit. I am speaking of: bankers, owners of corporations, owners of llc's, accountants, and tax attorneys.
If you pool all of those business people together with all of their collective business and finance knowledge you find that there is an enormous hole in their knowledge base. You must then assume that there is a reason for that ignorance. I call it a conspiracy of silence. Think about the fact that business credit is the largest amount of credit on the planet but yet it is the least known by your average person including business professionals.
I am not a conspiracy theorist. I have a few ideas but they are just ideas. The facts remain the same whatever your reasons. Business credit is too big to be known by so few. You are probably wondering what you need so that you can get business credit and start your own business with massive amounts of capital. Is that a question corporate America wants you to ask? If everyone asked that question where would the corporate world get its labor pool?
Now you are starting to think dangerously. Now you see why there might be a conspiracy of silence. The truth is that there will always be workers. Entrepreneurs are scarce. It takes a daredevil to be an entrepreneur. You constantly have to jump into the unknown with a plan that only partially works. When it starts to fall apart and it will you have to pick up the pieces of your plan, see what worked, and see what didn't. You have to be brutally honest with yourself so you can discard the useless parts, tape together the few things that did work, and keep moving forward. Repeat the process over and over and over again.
I love it but many people prefer the security of a paycheck. It seems so much safer and easier. That's okay I need people like that to work for me so I say more power to them. For the bold and the few who want to know how they can wing it and have the safety net of business credit underneath them, stay tuned for more information.
You can purchase the e-book for $49.95 at: http://rkhorizonenterprises.com/
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Introduction to secret super credit
You have just walked through the portal to an amazing secret world you never knew existed. In this world you can get staggering amounts of credit even if you currently have bad credit. I know because I did it with a credit score in the mid 500's. You can get credit with a signature and they never ask for your social security number! With "super credit" you can get credit card after credit card and it never dings you. You will get more credit with lower interest than you normally would with your social security number and good credit. "Super Credit" is totally seperate from your social security number so if one goes bad it does not affect the other.
I know it sounds like I am speaking of a fantasy world but it happens here in America everyday. You simply have to know the system and the rules. It is not complicated but it is hidden. You have been kept intentionally ignorant. They don't hide the answers. They hide the question. If you don't know what questions to ask how will you ever find the answer. They want you to keep going to work making someone else rich. It works very well. Most people work in a job they hate for a boss they despise for too little money and yet they come back day after day year after year because that is all they know to do. Does that sound familiar?
There are known unknowns and unknown unknowns. With a known unknown you know what you don't know. Right now you know that you don't know the skills to rebuild an engine but you could go to school or work with someone who does to get that skill. An unknown unknown is something you are completely unaware of, you don't know that you don't know.
The "super credit" I am referring to is business credit. It is also called trade credit or business to business credit and it is the largest amount of credit in the world. It dwarfs the amount of personal credit in the world. Everything you can get as a person you can get as a busines with bigger and better terms.
Anyone can have it but you need to know a number of things to get on the inside to get it. The first thing you need is a LLC or a corporation. You can run either of these legal entities out of your home as a home business. I know because that is what I am currently doing. I created a business that exists on paper with my home address to get credit. I have managed to get tens of thousand of dollars doing it and am still expanding my credit base on a weekly basis. I plan on taking it to the millions before I am done. I am working my way into the 100,000's as I write this. I am on target to break into that rare air by October 2008.
After you get your corporation or LLC which you can get from the secretary of state in the state where you live or get an incorporation service you need to get a tax id number for your corporation or LLC. You get the tax id number from the IRS. You can call the IRS or go online and get it. It is free and takes about five minutes either way. After you get your tax id number you need to get a corporate checking account. You can start one with $100. You can call up a bank and talk to the business banking department and ask their requirements. They might require your articles of incorporation and business license.
I built up my corporate credit with $100 in the corporate account. It never went above $100 yet corporations gave my corporation $3,000, $5,000, $10,000 credit cards and credit lines.
That is the beginning of the beginning. There is more to it but that will be covered later. I am simply giving you enough information to start asking yourself the right questions. You now have a known unknown. You now know what you don't know. It is a good start.
Here is a testimonial from a very satisfied customer:
"Hi Kevin! Your enthusiasm was terrific! The info was top notch . I believe i will get farther faster now that I have this info.
Keep up the good work and keep me posted for any new material you have that might be benificial to building wealth in the home based business." Bill L.
If you want to purchase the e-book for $49.95 go to:
There is a 90 day money back guarantee because we know you can succeed!
Kevin Hemmons Cell: (706)627-4494
I know it sounds like I am speaking of a fantasy world but it happens here in America everyday. You simply have to know the system and the rules. It is not complicated but it is hidden. You have been kept intentionally ignorant. They don't hide the answers. They hide the question. If you don't know what questions to ask how will you ever find the answer. They want you to keep going to work making someone else rich. It works very well. Most people work in a job they hate for a boss they despise for too little money and yet they come back day after day year after year because that is all they know to do. Does that sound familiar?
There are known unknowns and unknown unknowns. With a known unknown you know what you don't know. Right now you know that you don't know the skills to rebuild an engine but you could go to school or work with someone who does to get that skill. An unknown unknown is something you are completely unaware of, you don't know that you don't know.
The "super credit" I am referring to is business credit. It is also called trade credit or business to business credit and it is the largest amount of credit in the world. It dwarfs the amount of personal credit in the world. Everything you can get as a person you can get as a busines with bigger and better terms.
Anyone can have it but you need to know a number of things to get on the inside to get it. The first thing you need is a LLC or a corporation. You can run either of these legal entities out of your home as a home business. I know because that is what I am currently doing. I created a business that exists on paper with my home address to get credit. I have managed to get tens of thousand of dollars doing it and am still expanding my credit base on a weekly basis. I plan on taking it to the millions before I am done. I am working my way into the 100,000's as I write this. I am on target to break into that rare air by October 2008.
After you get your corporation or LLC which you can get from the secretary of state in the state where you live or get an incorporation service you need to get a tax id number for your corporation or LLC. You get the tax id number from the IRS. You can call the IRS or go online and get it. It is free and takes about five minutes either way. After you get your tax id number you need to get a corporate checking account. You can start one with $100. You can call up a bank and talk to the business banking department and ask their requirements. They might require your articles of incorporation and business license.
I built up my corporate credit with $100 in the corporate account. It never went above $100 yet corporations gave my corporation $3,000, $5,000, $10,000 credit cards and credit lines.
That is the beginning of the beginning. There is more to it but that will be covered later. I am simply giving you enough information to start asking yourself the right questions. You now have a known unknown. You now know what you don't know. It is a good start.
Here is a testimonial from a very satisfied customer:
"Hi Kevin! Your enthusiasm was terrific! The info was top notch . I believe i will get farther faster now that I have this info.
Keep up the good work and keep me posted for any new material you have that might be benificial to building wealth in the home based business." Bill L.
If you want to purchase the e-book for $49.95 go to:
There is a 90 day money back guarantee because we know you can succeed!
Kevin Hemmons Cell: (706)627-4494
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